Four Syrian Scenarios

As the fighting in Syria intensifies, there are four plausible outcomes, all with negative implications for regional stability and Western values.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: CATO Institute
Publication date: August 7, 2012
Authors: Ted Galen Carpenter
Geographic focus: Syria
Page count: 3


The research method used in the report is a qualitative analysis of the potential outcomes of the Syrian conflict based on the current situation and the involvement of various regional and international actors.

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Key Insights

The research discusses four possible outcomes of the Syrian conflict. The first is the Assad regime suppressing the rebellion, the second is the Free Syrian Army ousting Assad and transitioning to a democratic Syria, the third is the insurgents winning and establishing an authoritarian state, and the fourth is Syria fragmenting into religious and ethnic enclaves. The research emphasizes the negative implications of each scenario for regional stability and Western values.

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Last modified: 2024/02/14 03:45 by davidpjonker