Fragmentation and Resurgence of Islamic Terrorist Groups in Asia

The report examines the evolution and fragmentation of Islamic terrorist groups in Asia, highlighting the shift from large-scale to localized attacks and the intertwining of terrorism with criminal activities.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Policy Horizons Canada
Publication date: February 1, 2014
Authors: Unspecified
Geographic focus: Asia, Canada
Page count: 3


The research method involves analyzing the evolution of terrorist groups' strategies and structures in Asia, assessing the effectiveness of counter-terrorism measures, and examining the implications for international cooperation and policy-making.

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Key Insights

Islamic terrorist groups in Asia have undergone significant changes in their organization and operations due to effective counter-terrorism measures. Initially, these groups aimed for large-scale, international attacks, but increased counter-terrorism efforts have fragmented their structures, leading to more localized and smaller-scale violence. This shift has also seen a rise in criminal activities among these groups to fund their operations. The report discusses the impact of these changes on Asian countries, with a focus on Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Asia, which are home to a significant Muslim population. The success of extremist groups in conflicts like those in Syria and Afghanistan could inspire a resurgence of terrorism in Asia. New hotspots for radicalism are emerging, and international cooperation in counter-terrorism is increasing. The report also touches on the implications for Canada, which is enhancing its counter-terrorism strategies in Asia and may need to adapt to the changing landscape of terrorism.

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Last modified: 2024/04/09 18:27 by elizabethherfel