Future of Libraries: Can they survive budget cuts and digitization?

This report examines the challenges and future of libraries as they face budget cuts and the impact of digitization. It explores how libraries are adapting to technological changes and financial pressures, and what role they will play in the digital age.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

CQ Researcher Online

Authors: Barbara Mantel
Geographic focus: United States, Global


The research method involved analyzing data on library usage, funding, and services; examining the impact of digital technologies on libraries; and exploring public and expert opinions on the future of libraries.

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Key Insights

Libraries are increasingly important for Americans seeking job resources and entertainment, yet they face budget cuts and closures. The digital revolution is transforming libraries, raising questions about their future role, physical presence, and the lending of e-books. Some libraries have successfully campaigned for funding, but many struggle with reduced hours and services. The report discusses the potential for libraries to lend only e-books, the viability of completely virtual libraries, and the debate over privatizing public libraries.

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Last modified: 2024/06/03 16:59 by elizabethherfel