Future trends for Israel and the Middle East

The report discusses future trends for Israel and the Middle East, including climate change, political upheaval, and technology's impact on security.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Brookings Institution
Publication date: November 20, 2020
Authors: Kevin Huggard, Natan Sachs, Samantha Gross, Shibley Telhami, and Tamara Cofman Wittes
Time horizon: 2040
Geographic focus: Middle East, Israel


The research method involved expert analysis and discussion on various topics related to future trends in the Middle East. The experts provided insights based on their fields of specialty, and the findings were compiled into a comprehensive report.

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Key Insights

The report from the Brookings Institution explores anticipated trends in the Middle East over the next two decades, focusing on climate change, political and social upheaval, demographic challenges, technological advancements in military and surveillance, and the shifting dynamics of global powers in the region. It particularly examines how these trends might affect Israel's security environment and suggests policy adjustments for Israel to maintain its strategic edge and manage its relationships, especially with the United States, amidst a changing regional landscape.

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Last modified: 2024/04/09 19:20 by elizabethherfel