Ghana - Metropolitan Cities

This report examines urbanization and future city planning in Ghana, focusing on metropolitan areas and their resilience to economic, demographic, and environmental challenges.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: ARUP
Authors: Andrew Charles, Belinda Hewitt, Braulio Eduardo Morera, James Waters, Jo da Silva, Jose M. Ahumada, Kieran Birtill, Ripin Kalra, Samantha Stratton-Short, Siddharth Nadkarny
Geographic focus: Ghana, Ghana, Accra, Tema
Page count: 52


The research method involved a combination of data analysis using the Cities Alliance Normative Framework and the Arup Environmental Risk Framework, consultations with stakeholders in Ghana, and a review of existing literature and government policies.

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Key Insights

The report analyzes the rapid urbanization in Ghana, particularly in metropolitan cities like Accra and Tema, as part of the Future Cities Africa initiative. It explores the economic boom, the rise of mobile and internet access, and the challenges of managing urban growth, environmental risks, and a youthful population. The study also discusses national policies, the informal economy, and the need for inclusive, low-carbon development to create resilient and liveable cities.

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Last modified: 2024/02/26 03:06 by davidpjonker