Investing in an Inclusive Digital Future for the Caribbean

The report discusses the digital transformation in the Caribbean and the need for inclusive investment to bridge digital divides and support sustainable development.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Bevil Wooding, Lika G. Døhl Diouf
Geographic focus: Caribbean
Page count: páginas. 16 - 18


The research method involved reviewing national development plans, analyzing data from the World Bank and other sources, and examining the role of structural funds and investment strategies in promoting digital inclusion and innovation in the Caribbean.

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Key Insights

The Caribbean is experiencing a digital transformation, with increased access to digital technologies and the internet. National development plans recognize the potential of ICTs for sustainable development, but challenges such as social inequality and marginalization persist. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted these digital divides, particularly affecting low-income and unbanked populations. Investment in human rights-based technology design, indigenous innovation ecosystems, and critical infrastructure is essential. Governments must also invest in digital skills and local content development. Strategic funding is needed to expand network infrastructure, encourage digital adoption, and support local innovation. Policymakers must align policy with financing decisions to close development gaps and facilitate private sector investment. The report suggests using structural funds like Universal Service Funds to promote digital inclusion and recommends a mix of funding mechanisms and financial solutions to support the digital transformation of the Caribbean.

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Last modified: 2024/07/29 17:01 by elizabethherfel