“Just Imagine!”: RICS Strategic Foresight 2030

This report provides a comprehensive foresight into the strategic direction of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) by 2030, exploring the potential changes in the built environment professions and the role of RICS in shaping a sustainable future.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: rics strategic foresight 2030, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
Authors: Professor John S Ratcliffe
Geographic focus: Global
Page count: 113 pages


The research method employed in the report includes horizon scanning, strategic conversations, workshops, surveys, and scenario planning. These methods were used to gather insights and develop a vision for RICS's future direction.

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Key Insights

The report, conducted by Professor John S Ratcliffe, offers a detailed analysis of the driving forces shaping the future of the built environment and RICS's role in it. It uses strategic foresight methods to anticipate changes, identify challenges, and propose actions for RICS to remain a leading global professional body.

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Last modified: 2024/05/01 19:07 by elizabethherfel