Land Reform Futures: Four scenarios for land reform in South Africa

This report explores four scenarios for land reform in South Africa by 2030, focusing on the challenges and potential outcomes of various approaches.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Vumelana Advisory Fund

Authors: Alastair Findlay, Philanie Jooste, Prins Design, Reos Partners, Helene Perold, Vumelana Advisory Fund
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: South Africa


The research method involved transformative scenario planning, engaging stakeholders from various sectors to construct plausible future narratives for land reform in South Africa.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

Key Insights

The Vumelana Advisory Fund's report presents four scenarios for land reform in South Africa by 2030, exploring the implications of political, market, grassroots, and compromise-driven reforms. It examines the potential for connection and capture by elites, market power and concentration, occupation and confiscation by the landless, and hard bargaining leading to inclusive solutions. The scenarios consider the impact on food security, economic growth, and social equity, highlighting the complexity of land reform and the need for strategic, inclusive responses. The transformative scenario planning method was used, engaging diverse stakeholders to construct plausible future narratives, aiming to foster dialogue and inform decision-making on land reform's contentious issues.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

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Last modified: 2024/06/10 17:31 by elizabethherfel