Linking Futures across Scales: a Dialog on Multiscale Scenarios

This report examines the methods, costs, and benefits of developing and linking social-ecological system scenarios across multiple spatial scales, primarily drawing on experiences from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Ecology And Society

Authors: Carol Atkinson-palombo, Ciara Raudsepp-hearne, Dagmar Timmer, Emily Boyd, Erin Bohensky, Georgina Cundill, Helen Fox, Kasper Kok, Maria Tengö, Monika Zurek, Scott Ingram, Stephanie Spehar, Reinette Biggs
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved an online dialogue among authors with diverse disciplinary backgrounds, reflecting on their experiences with scenario development and ecosystem management. The authors synthesized key ideas and intuitions about the multiscale scenario development process, which are often not captured in formal reports and research papers.

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Key Insights

The report discusses the creation of multiscale scenarios, which are narratives that explore potential futures for social-ecological systems at various spatial extents. It highlights the importance of choosing the appropriate degree of linkage between scales based on the primary goal of the scenario exercise and available resources. The paper outlines the advantages and challenges of both single-scale and multiscale scenarios, emphasizing the need for careful consideration when linking scenarios to avoid alienating stakeholders and to ensure the relevance and credibility of the scenarios at different scales.

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Last modified: 2024/06/10 17:53 by elizabethherfel