Mapping the Way Forward: Urban Futures Project Final Report

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of urban futures, focusing on the implications of urban change for humanitarian action. It explores the dynamics of urbanization, the transformative role of information and communication technology (ICT), and the challenges posed by demographic shifts, environmental changes, health concerns, water scarcity, food security, economic transformations, education, governance, and security. The research emphasizes the need for strategic planning and innovative approaches to address the complexities of urban environments and safeguard the rights and well-being of children in these settings.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Humanitarian Futures Programme
King's College London

Authors: Charlotte Crabtree, Dr. Alice Obrecht, Lucy Pearson, Simon Bayley, Sophie Evans, Dr. Randolph Kent
Geographic focus: Global


The research method used in the Urban Futures Project involved four main phases: tapping internal expertise, exploring the future with Save the Children, horizon scanning with urban experts, and mapping the way forward. The project utilized a speculative, futures-oriented methodology to identify new tools and approaches, conducted interviews with internal and external experts, and facilitated workshops to think strategically about urban landscapes in 2050.

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Key Insights

The Urban Futures Project examines the processes and methodologies that Save the Children International's (SCI) Humanitarian Affairs Unit (HAU) can adopt for a more strategic and operational approach to urban humanitarianism. The report discusses the challenges of widespread urbanization, the impact of ICT, and the implications for humanitarian action. It outlines the importance of long-term planning to address future challenges such as artificial intelligence, climate change, and shifts in governance. The report is organized into three sections, answering core questions about the relevance of urban environments, the factors influencing urban change, the implications for humanitarian action, the tools and methods used in the project, and recommendations for a future-oriented Save the Children International.

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Last modified: 2024/06/10 18:31 by elizabethherfel