Mapping Youth Futures - Global Youth Culture: A Transdisciplinary Perspective

The report explores the impact of globalization on youth culture, examining the homogenization of global youth identities and the challenges they face due to cultural imperialism, mental health issues, and the erosion of traditional values.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Jennifer Gidley
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a transdisciplinary approach, analyzing various sources including United Nations reports, academic journals, and cultural critiques. It included a review of historical perspectives on youth, contemporary psychosocial theories, and current global trends affecting young people.

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Key Insights

The research delves into the effects of globalization on youth, highlighting the emergence of a global youth culture and the associated challenges. It discusses the influence of mass media, the industrial model, and the Western education system on young people's identities and mental health. The report also critiques the monoculture created by Western ideologies and its impact on the diversity of youth experiences worldwide. Additionally, it examines the paradox of individualism versus community, the secularization of culture, and environmental degradation. The research suggests that cultural renewal is necessary to address the systemic roots of these issues and empower youth to envision and create positive futures.

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Last modified: 2024/06/10 18:31 by elizabethherfel