Mining Codes in Africa: Emergence of a “Fourth” Generation?

This report examines the evolution of mining codes in Africa, focusing on the shift from state-controlled to liberalized mining regimes, and the emergence of a “fourth generation” emphasizing transparency and accountability in resource governance.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

The North-South Institute

Authors: Philip Martin, Hany Besada
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method involved a comprehensive review of literature, policy documents, and mining codes to trace the evolution of regulatory frameworks in Africa's mining sector and assess new governance initiatives.

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Key Insights

The research explores Africa's mining sector evolution, from state control to liberalization, and the rise of new governance initiatives stressing transparency and accountability. It analyzes the impact of these changes on economic development and the challenges posed by the involvement of emerging economies like the BRICS in Africa's mining industry.

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Last modified: 2024/06/12 16:03 by elizabethherfel