MNC Trend Report 2018 - The Future of Work

This report examines the impact of technological advancements on the future of work, particularly in the retail sector, and the implications for labor practices and employment trends. It discusses the potential for job automation, the rise of flexible work arrangements, and the need for policy responses and union strategies to address these changes.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Labour Reserach Service, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Geographic Focus: South Africa
Page count: 94 pages


The research method involved a literature review, desktop research, and engagements with unions in retail network alliances. It included an analysis of company financial data from the South African MNC Database, discussions on technological impacts on employment, and considerations of policy frameworks and union strategies.

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Key Insights

The report provides an overview of the financial performance of 91 South African multinational corporations (MNCs) across various sectors, analyzing revenue growth, profit before tax, and director remuneration. It highlights the top performers in terms of employment, revenue, and profit, and examines the wage gap between directors and entry-level workers. The report also explores the future of work, focusing on technological changes in the retail sector, the reality of automation in developing countries, the trend towards flexible labor, and potential responses at the workplace and national levels.

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Last modified: 2024/05/01 19:29 by elizabethherfel