Our World Transformed: Geopolitical Shocks and Risks

This report examines the potential impacts of geopolitical risks on global stability, focusing on protectionism, energy crises, and water and food scarcity. It uses quantitative modeling to forecast consequences for GDP, poverty, and country stability.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Atlantic Council
Authors: David K. Bohl, Jonathan D. Moyer, Mathew J. Burrows
Page count: 31 pages


The IFs model integrates relationships across countries and systems, using historical data and quantitative modeling to forecast geopolitical risks. It examines historical data, base-case analysis, and alternative scenarios to understand potential trends and their implications.

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Key Insights

The research employs the International Futures (IFs) model to analyze long-term geopolitical risks, considering scenarios like protectionism, energy crisis, and water scarcity. It assesses their effects on global GDP, poverty, middle-class growth, and country stability, highlighting interconnections between different risks and the importance of holistic risk management.

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Last modified: 2024/05/02 17:55 by elizabethherfel