Prospects for blockchain-based settlement frameworks as a resolution to the threat of de-risking to Caribbean financial systems

This report explores blockchain as a solution to the de-risking issue in Caribbean financial systems.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Robert Crane Williams
Geographic focus: Caribbean
Page count: 23 páginas.


The research method involved a comprehensive analysis of the current financial challenges faced by Caribbean countries due to de-risking, an examination of blockchain technology and its potential applications, and an evaluation of different blockchain-based settlement models. The report also included a review of existing literature, case studies, and expert opinions to assess the viability and implications of adopting blockchain in the Caribbean financial context.

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Key Insights

The report examines blockchain technology as a potential remedy for the de-risking trend that threatens Caribbean financial systems. It discusses the impact of de-risking, the mechanics of blockchain, and evaluates three models for blockchain-based settlement frameworks: open, permissioned, and centralized. The report also considers the implications for privacy, sovereignty, and regulatory compliance, and suggests cautious engagement with blockchain technology as a long-term strategy for the region's financial independence.

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Last modified: 2024/07/29 18:14 by elizabethherfel