Report on Integration of different measures to reach Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) In Sub-Sahara Africa

This report examines strategies for achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) related to water in Sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on integration and adaptive measures.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English


Geographic focus: Sub-saharan Africa, South Africa, Africa


The research method involved analyzing trends and drivers for change in water supply systems, developing adaptive strategies, and testing these strategies through case studies. The Think Tools decision-support system was used for planning and evaluating the integration of strategies.

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Key Insights

The report analyzes the integration of various strategies to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for water in Sub-Saharan Africa. It assesses the challenges of water supply systems, identifies future trends, and evaluates adaptive strategies using case studies. The study emphasizes the need for decentralized systems, improved operation and maintenance, and the consideration of local conditions. It utilizes the Think Tools decision-support system for planning and applies findings to the Ilembe case study in South Africa. The report concludes with recommendations for effective water supply management, including regional regulation, capacity building, and the use of energy-efficient technologies.

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Last modified: 2024/06/14 20:36 by elizabethherfel