Resilience and capital flows in the Caribbean

This report examines financial flows in the Caribbean, focusing on the need to strengthen resilience in the face of external vulnerability, and explores strategies for improving access to financing and building resilience.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Daniel Perrotti, Helvia Velloso, Winston Dookeran, Inês Bustillo, Perrotti, Daniel E., Velloso, Helvia
Geographic focus: Global, Caribbean
Page count: 45 páginas.


The research method involved analyzing financial flow trends, assessing access to international debt markets, and evaluating strategies for resilience. The study utilized data from international financial institutions, credit rating agencies, and economic indicators to inform its conclusions.

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Key Insights

The Caribbean's economic challenges are linked to external vulnerability. This report analyzes financial flows, emphasizing the need to bolster resilience. It assesses capital flow trends, unequal access to debt markets, and strategies for resilience, considering the 2030 Agenda's implementation.

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Last modified: 2024/07/29 18:20 by elizabethherfel