Robots as a Social Solution or a Social Disruption in Asia

The report examines the rise of robotics in Asia and its potential social and economic impacts.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Policy Horizons Canada
Publication date: February 1, 2014
Authors: Not Specified
Time horizon: 2016 - 2023
Geographic focus: Asia, Canada
Page count: 3


The research method involves analyzing data on robot populations, economic forecasts, and government investments in robotics. It also includes reviewing case studies and news articles related to robotics in Asia and Canada.

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Key Insights

Robotics is advancing rapidly, with Asia poised to become a major hub for both production and consumption. The report explores the implications of robots replacing human labor in various sectors, including manufacturing, healthcare, education, and more. It highlights the potential for robots to address labor shortages and aging populations, particularly in countries like Japan, China, and South Korea. The report also considers the social changes that may result from increased robot-human interaction and the economic opportunities that could arise from this technological leap. Concerns about job displacement and the need for regulatory frameworks are discussed, alongside the potential for international collaboration and innovation in robotics.

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Last modified: 2024/04/15 18:57 by elizabethherfel