Rural regions of the future: Seizing technological change

Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: OECD
Publication date: October 5, 2020
Authors: OECD
Geographic focus: global_rural
Page count: 36


Key Insights

Technological change can benefit rural regions by unlocking new business opportunities and diversifying revenue sources for rural dwellers. New technologies can radically modify how people live and work for the better. The opportunity to reduce the cost of transport and in turn the relevance of location for workers and businesses can propel rural economies to compete effectively on national and international markets. The technology can also improve quality and access to services as well as political participation of rural populations. In all cases, to ensure rural communities can fully seize the benefits of the digital age and new technologies, policies need to: Ensure high-quality broadband in all types of rural regions. Strengthen infrastructure (e.g. telecommunications infrastructure and roads). Upskill the labor force. Develop forward-looking policies and regulations with greater involvement of rural communities.

Forward-looking rural policies also need to meet main global agendas and SDGs, including climate change, poverty reduction, and gender equality. Achieving the SDGs will require participation at the local level, where governments are directly responsible for delivering on SDG targets. This includes leveraging on innovation and close work with local communities to support rural regions in their transition to a low-carbon economy.

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Last modified: 2024/04/15 18:58 by elizabethherfel