Scenarios for 2025

The report explores future scenarios for global economic and political trends, focusing on challenges such as debt crises, demographic shifts, resource scarcity, and the need for innovation and renewal.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: The Challenge Network
Authors: The Challenge Network
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: Global, China, Wealthy Nations, Emerging Economies


The research method involved analyzing historical economic and political trends, current global challenges, and projecting future scenarios based on these factors. The study used statistical data, case studies, and comparative analysis to assess the adaptability of various countries to the anticipated changes.

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Key Insights

The report presents an in-depth analysis of the potential future scenarios for the global economy and politics up to the year 2040. It examines the origins of current difficulties, including the rise of market faith, deregulation, and the expansion of the global workforce in the 1980s, leading to asset price inflation and state deficits. The study delves into the environmental challenges posed by a projected population of nine billion, the need for energy efficiency, and the implications of resource scarcity on economic growth. It also discusses the demographic challenges in wealthy nations, particularly the unsustainable welfare provisions and the rising costs of pensions and healthcare. The report outlines the potential impact of these factors on economic growth rates and the necessity for nations to invest in human capacity, science, and technology. It explores the political landscape, the rise of populism, and the need for socioeconomic renewal. The scenarios for 2025 and beyond include potential outcomes such as managed political transition, extension of the status quo, and cycles of decline, with a focus on China's role, the emerging middle class, and the importance of national narratives in shaping responses to these challenges.

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Last modified: 2024/06/17 13:52 by elizabethherfel