Scenarios for the Poorest: The View from 2030

This report explores future scenarios for the world's poorest people, focusing on migration, emerging markets, technology, and global attitudes towards poverty by 2030.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English


Authors: Outsights Insights From The Outside
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a multi-stakeholder approach, including commissioned research papers, interviews with experts from government, multilateral agencies, business, NGOs, media, and academia, and workshops with diverse participants from 10 countries.

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Key Insights

The report, commissioned by the UK's Department for International Development and developed by Outsights, presents four scenarios envisioning the future of the world's poorest populations by 2030. It examines the potential impact of migration, the rise of emerging economies, technological advancements, and shifting global attitudes towards poverty. The scenarios, “On the Move,” “BRICs and Blocs,” “Simple as ABC,” and “Moral Warming,” each offer a retrospective look from 2030, exploring different aspects of poverty and development. The report aims to stimulate new thinking and identify ways to change the future for the very poorest, acknowledging that even if Millennium Development Goals are met, many will remain in serious poverty. The scenarios were developed through multi-stakeholder input, including research papers, interviews, and workshops with participants from various backgrounds and countries.

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Last modified: 2024/06/17 14:30 by elizabethherfel