Schooling for Tomorrow - The Starterpack: Futures Thinking in Action

The report explores the application of futures thinking in education, focusing on initiatives in the UK, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Canada, and Victoria, Australia. These initiatives aim to incorporate long-term thinking into educational agendas, using participatory methods and scenario development to engage stakeholders in envisioning the future of schooling. The projects vary in context and objectives but share a commitment to exploring educational futures and informing decision-making processes.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

schooling for tomorrow project
oecd centre for educational research and innovation (ceri)

Authors: Oecd & Ceri
Geographic focus: United Kingdom, New Zealand, Netherlands, Canada, Victoria Australia, Global


The research methods used in the initiatives include participatory workshops, scenario development, trend analysis, and stakeholder consultations. These methods are designed to engage participants in futures thinking, challenge existing assumptions, and explore a range of possible educational futures. The initiatives often begin with small-scale work to understand the tools and expand into larger, more inclusive processes.

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Key Insights

The initiatives demonstrate the value of futures thinking in education by engaging a diverse range of stakeholders, including educators, students, parents, and community members. They utilize the Schooling for Tomorrow scenarios, adapting them to local contexts or developing new ones. Techniques like role-playing and trend analysis help participants challenge assumptions and consider long-term implications of policies. The projects aim to build futures literacy, foster dialogue, and support leadership in education.

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Last modified: 2024/06/17 14:37 by elizabethherfel