Seasonal Climate Forecasting: Who Can Use It And How Should It Be Disseminated?

Recent technical progress in seasonal climate forecasting, particularly related to the El Niño Southern Oscillation, has sparked interest from various users such as large-scale farmers, utilities, and insurance industries. However, there is a gap between the information needed by small-scale farmers and what meteorological services provide.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

National Resource Perspectives

Authors: Roger Blench
Time horizon: 1999
Geographic focus: Southern Africa, Global


The research method involved analyzing recent field studies in southern Africa to understand the impact of seasonal forecasts on small-scale farmers. It also examined the technical challenges in transforming the output of General Circulation Models (GCMs) into practical seasonal forecasts.

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Key Insights

The research discusses the importance of seasonal climate forecasting, its value to different users, and the challenges in disseminating probabilistic forecasts effectively. It highlights the need to integrate climate forecasts with other aspects of infrastructure and input supply to enhance their usefulness to small-scale farmers.

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Last modified: 2024/06/17 14:48 by elizabethherfel