Second United Nations survey on Latin American and Caribbean youth within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Report of results

This report presents the findings of the second United Nations survey on Latin American and Caribbean youth's experiences and concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Daniela Huneeus, Daniela Trucco, Ernesto Espíndola, Raquel Santos Garcia, Eleonora Nun
Geographic focus: Latin America, Caribbean
Page count: 69 páginas.


The survey utilized an online questionnaire distributed via social media, email, and WhatsApp groups, targeting individuals aged 15-29. It included 72 mandatory questions and two optional ones, covering various aspects of young people's lives during the pandemic. The non-probability sampling method means the results are not representative of the entire youth population but provide valuable insights for decision-making and further research.

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Key Insights

The survey, conducted between August and October 2021, gathered over 46,000 responses from youth aged 15-29 in 42 countries and territories in Latin America and the Caribbean. It aimed to assess the impact of the pandemic on young people's lives, including their education, employment, health, and community involvement. The results indicate that the pandemic has significantly affected young people's mental and physical health, access to education and healthcare, and participation in community activities. Many expressed concerns about their future, particularly regarding employment and the continuation of their studies. The survey also highlights the resilience and adaptability of youth, as well as their willingness to engage in solidarity initiatives and their positive response to COVID-19 vaccination efforts.

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Last modified: 2024/07/29 18:30 by elizabethherfel