Securing 2020 vision for 2030: climate change and ensuring resilience in water and sanitation services

This report assesses the resilience of water and sanitation systems to climate change by 2020 and 2030.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

iwa publishing
Journal Of Water And Climate Change

Authors: Anca Brookshaw, Jamie Bartram, Kathy Pond, Katrina Charles, Rifat Hossain, Guy Howard
Time horizon: 2020
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a literature review, data collection from sector professionals, an electronic questionnaire, semi-structured telephone interviews, and climate predictions using the decadal prediction system (DePreSys). The resilience of technologies and management approaches to key climatic threats was assessed, and forecasts of water supply and sanitation coverage were made using WHO and UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program data.

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Key Insights

The report evaluates the vulnerability of water supply and sanitation services to climate change, revealing that few technologies are resilient. It suggests that management approaches and technology adaptations are crucial for building resilience, with the potential for climate change to drive improvements in service quality. The study emphasizes the importance of ensuring sustainable drinking-water and sanitation services to protect human health and meet Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

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Last modified: 2024/06/17 14:49 by elizabethherfel