South African scenarios 2024: Politics, violence and growth in the rainbow nation

South Africa's future hinges on the outcome of the ANC's internal factional battles, with three potential scenarios: uninspiring Bafana Bafana, progressive Mandela Magic, and divisive Nation Divided. The ANC's 2017 National Conference and subsequent political developments will shape the nation's trajectory, impacting economic growth, social stability, and governance.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Institute for Security Studies
Authors: Ciara Aucoin, Dr Jakkie Cilliers
Time horizon: 2016
Geographic focus: South Africa


The research method involved analyzing political trends, economic data, and social indicators to construct three scenarios for South Africa's future. It considered historical patterns, current events, and potential developments within the ANC and the broader South African context.

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Key Insights

The report presents three scenarios for South Africa's future until 2024, focusing on political dynamics within the ANC and their implications for governance, economic growth, and social stability. Key milestones include the ANC's National Conference, potential credit rating downgrades, and national elections. The scenarios—Bafana Bafana, Mandela Magic, and Nation Divided—reflect varying outcomes of the ANC's internal power struggle and its effects on the country's direction.

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Last modified: 2024/06/17 15:10 by elizabethherfel