Technology Forecast: Unleashing enterprise mobility

This report explores the transformative impact of mobile technology on the enterprise, where employees' personal smartphones and tablets are reshaping the traditional IT landscape, creating a cybernetic workforce that blends personal and corporate IT capabilities.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Alan Morrison, Bud Mathaisel, Galen Gruman, Mark Pesce, Philip Garland, Srini Koushik, Todd Schofield, Vinod Baya, Tom Conophy, Tom Degarmo
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved interviews with executives and CIOs from various industries, analysis of mobile technology trends, and examination of enterprise adoption patterns. The study also considered the impact of mobile devices on business processes and IT infrastructure.

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Key Insights

Mobile technology is rapidly evolving from a messaging platform to an application platform, challenging traditional IT control. Enterprises are adopting mobile devices for their versatility in business needs, while grappling with security and management issues. HTML5 emerges as a key technology for cross-platform mobile application development.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

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Last modified: 2024/06/18 13:48 by elizabethherfel