Ten technologies which could change our lives: potential impacts and policy implications

This report explores ten emerging technology trends that could significantly impact society and policy-making in the European Union, focusing on their expected and unexpected implications, as well as legal considerations for EU policy-makers and legislators.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Panel for the Future of Science and Technology
Publication date: January 23, 2015
Authors: Alessandra DI TELLA, Andreea Nicoleta STEFAN, Darja VRSCAJ, Darja Vrscaj, Fernando FRECHAUTH DA COSTA SOUSA, Geoff ARCHER, Geoff Archer, Isabella CAMPION, Jonathan GUNSON, Laura PANADES-ESTRUCH, Laura Panades-Estruch, Lieve VAN WOENSEL, Lieve Van Woensel, Maria Del Mar NEGREIRO ACHIAGA, Maria KOLLAROVA, Nera KULJANIC, Peter IDE-KOSTIC, Teresa LÓPEZ GARCÍA, Veronika KUNZ
Geographic focus: European Union, Unknown
Page count: 28


The research method involved analyzing each technology trend to identify expected and unexpected societal impacts, as well as legal and policy implications for the European Union.

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Key Insights

The ten technology trends examined are autonomous vehicles, graphene, 3D printing, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), virtual currencies like Bitcoin, wearable technologies, drones, aquaponic systems, smart home technologies, and electricity storage using hydrogen. The study provides an overview of each trend, discusses potential impacts, and analyzes legal aspects relevant to EU policy-making.

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Last modified: 2024/04/15 20:23 by elizabethherfel