The Africa Water Vision for 2025: Equitable and Sustainable Use of Water for Socioeconomic Development

The report presents a vision for equitable and sustainable water use in Africa by 2025, focusing on poverty alleviation and socioeconomic development.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Dr. Stephen Donkor, Dr. Y. Suliman, Mr. K.y. Amoako, Mr. Omar Kabbajj, Mr. Shehu Yahaya, Mr. Tefera Woudeneh, Ms. Mercy Wambui, Ms. Tehetena Alemu, Peter Da Costa
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method involved consultations, workshops, and analysis of existing water management practices and challenges in Africa. Stakeholder input and existing initiatives informed the development of the Africa Water Vision for 2025 and its framework for action.

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Key Insights

The Africa Water Vision for 2025 aims to transform water management to support socio-economic development, alleviate poverty, and promote regional cooperation. It addresses challenges like water scarcity, governance, and investment needs, proposing integrated water resources management, capacity building, and infrastructure development. The vision emphasizes equitable access, sustainability, and the role of water as a catalyst for growth, requiring substantial investment and a shift from traditional practices.

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Last modified: 2024/06/18 13:58 by elizabethherfel