The dynamics and trends of employment in Kenya

This study investigates the dynamics and trends of employment in Kenya, focusing on the historical context, policy interventions, and their outcomes. It examines the relationship between economic growth and employment, the determinants of employment, and the implications for future policy directions.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Institute Of Economic Affairs – Kenya

Authors: Jacob Omolo
Geographic focus: Kenya


The research method involved an integrated and participatory approach, analyzing secondary data from government policy documents, international agency reports, and peer-reviewed literature. The study used both qualitative and quantitative analyses to interpret historical trends and model the determinants of wage employment in Kenya.

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Key Insights

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of employment in Kenya, exploring policy approaches since independence, such as Kenyanization, active labor market policies, and growth-oriented strategies. It evaluates the effectiveness of these policies in creating jobs and discusses the role of economic growth, productivity, wage levels, and labor market institutions in shaping employment trends. The study also assesses the foundations of employment promotion in Kenya's Vision 2030 and the Medium-Term Plans, highlighting the challenges and recommendations for achieving sustainable employment growth.

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Last modified: 2024/06/18 14:09 by elizabethherfel