The Future of Innovation Management: The Next 10 Years

The report examines the future of innovation management over the next decade, focusing on five key concepts and the evolving role of Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) and Chief Innovation Officers (CIOs).

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Arthur D. Little

Authors: Charles Boulton, Cindy Dekeyser, Daniel Roos, Frederik Van Oene, Rick Eagar, Rick Eagar, Frederik Van Oene, Charles Boulton, Daniel Roos And Cindy Dekeyser
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a survey of nearly 100 Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) and Chief Innovation Officers (CIOs) from around the world, supplemented by insights from Arthur D. Little's internal network of innovation management practitioners and distinguished international experts and academics in innovation management.

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Key Insights

The research explores the future of innovation management, identifying five key concepts likely to be significant in the next ten years. It is based on a survey of nearly 100 CTOs and CIOs worldwide, along with insights from experts and academics. The report discusses the importance of customer-based innovation, proactive business model innovation, frugal innovation, high-speed/low-risk innovation, and integrated innovation. It also considers the challenges of managing innovation in a global, decentralized context and the implications for business leaders.

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Last modified: 2024/06/18 14:56 by elizabethherfel