The Future of Knowledge Creation: Visioning a Capacity Revolution - a Futures Literacy Workshop

The report discusses envisioning new capacities for learning and acting in response to climate change in Africa by 2030.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

forum on education
Futures Literacy Workshop Workbook

Authors: Etienne Wegner, Riel Miller, Karen O’brien
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method involved a Futures Literacy Workshop, which included discussions, breakout group activities, and plenary sessions. Participants engaged in exercises to envision knowledge creation in 2030, assess values and expectations, and imagine new systems for learning and decision-making.

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Key Insights

The report outlines a workshop aimed at revolutionizing the capacity for knowledge creation in African universities by 2030, focusing on adapting to climate change. It challenges current educational and administrative systems, suggesting they may be inadequate or even dangerous. The workshop, titled “Visioning a Capacity Revolution” (VCR), employs futures literacy to imagine new systems that could replace or dominate old ones, emphasizing the need for trans-disciplinary education and an informed civil society. It involves exercises in rigorous imagining and questioning anticipatory assumptions to explore the potential of the present and identify changes in the conditions of change.

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Last modified: 2024/06/18 14:57 by elizabethherfel