The Future of Mobility Scenarios for China in 2030
This research explores potential futures for mobility in China by 2030, focusing on the interconnected impacts of market, policy, and consumer forces on transportation.
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The research method combined expert opinion with cross-impact analysis, consistency analysis, and cluster analysis using the RAHS platform to develop plausible scenarios.
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Key Insights
The study presents two scenarios, the Great Reset and Slowing but Growing, which illustrate different paths based on economic growth, constraints on vehicle ownership and driving, and environmental conditions. A wild-card scenario, Debt Comes Due, considers the impact of a major debt crisis.
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Additional Viewpoints
Categories: 2030 | 2030 time horizon | 2030s time horizon | China geographic scope | English publication language | beijing | china | demography | economic growth | economy | energy consumption | environmental conditions | income inequality | industry | innovation | labor force | mobility | mobility research | transport | transportation infrastructure | travel demand | urbanization | vehicle ownership | vehicle production