The Future of Money - Presentation

The report discusses the impact of emerging electronic currencies and complementary currencies on socio-economic issues over the next 20 years.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Authors: Bernard A. Lietaer
Time horizon: 2005
Geographic focus: Global, Japan, Oecd Countries


The research method involves analyzing current trends, projecting future challenges, and examining existing complementary currency systems around the world. It also includes case studies of specific currency systems, such as the Fureai Kippu in Japan.

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Key Insights

The report by Bernard Lietaer explores the evolution of money, particularly focusing on the rise of electronic and complementary currencies. It identifies four megatrends converging over the next 15-20 years that will challenge the current monetary system: aging populations, monetary instability, climate change with biodiversity loss, and the information revolution leading to jobless growth. The report suggests that over 5000 complementary currency experiments worldwide are already addressing these challenges by linking unmet needs with unused resources. These currencies aim to complement, not replace, conventional money and offer new solutions for socio-economic problems without relying on taxation or government intervention. The report concludes that a more sustainable and stable world is possible with these monetary innovations.

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Last modified: 2024/06/18 15:05 by elizabethherfel