The Future of the WTO

The WTO's future may lie in plurilateral agreements, which could revitalize its role in global trade.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: CATO Institute
Authors: James Bacchus
Geographic focus: Global


The research method used in the report is an analysis of the WTO's historical approaches to trade agreements, current challenges, and potential solutions through plurilateral agreements.

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Key Insights

The report discusses the World Trade Organization's (WTO) shift from multilateral to plurilateral agreements due to the inefficacy of consensus-based trade liberalization. It suggests plurilateralism as a pragmatic alternative for addressing pressing trade issues, which could eventually evolve into multilateral agreements, thus restoring the WTO's centrality in global trade.

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Last modified: 2024/07/18 21:02 by elizabethherfel