The Global Legal Environment and its Future Four Scenarios

The report explores four future scenarios for the global legal environment by 2030.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

martinus nijhoff publishers
The Hague Institute For The Internationalisation Of Law

Authors: Laura Kistemaker, Morly Frishman, Sam Muller, Stavros Zouridis
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involves scenario analysis, which is a systematic approach to envisioning possible futures based on current trends and key uncertainties. This method constructs narratives about the future to help understand potential developments in the global legal environment.

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Key Insights

The research examines the future of the global legal environment through scenario analysis, considering trends like the internationalization of law and the growth of private governance regimes. It presents four scenarios: Global Constitution, Legal Borders, Legal Internet, and Legal Tribes, each depicting different developments by 2030. The scenarios serve as a tool for legislators to strategize and prepare for various possible futures.

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Last modified: 2024/06/18 15:56 by elizabethherfel