The Great Transition Today: A Report from the Future

The report envisions a sustainable and equitable global society by 2084, achieved through a shift in values and a restructured world system.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Tellus Institute

Authors: Paul D. Raskin
Time horizon: 2084
Geographic focus: Global


The research method used in the report is a forward-looking, scenario-based analysis that combines historical review with speculative forecasting to describe the potential state of the world in 2084.

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Key Insights

The report, “The Great Transition Today: A Report from the Future,” outlines an optimistic vision of the world in 2084, where a global society has emerged based on new values, diverse regional cultures, and a balance between global responsibility and local autonomy. It describes a transition from consumerism, individualism, and domination of nature to a world emphasizing quality of life, human solidarity, and ecological sensibility. The report discusses political, economic, and social structures that support this vision, including democratic participation, economic diversity, trade regulations, social justice, environmental restoration, changes in spirituality and religion, and shifts in lifestyle and work-life balance.

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Last modified: 2024/06/18 16:03 by elizabethherfel