The Inefficiency of Inequality

The region's recent economic slowdown is closely tied to global dynamics, with South America affected by commodity prices and Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean linked to the US economy. The slowdown has led to reduced quality job creation, increased unemployment, and a potential reversal of gains in reducing poverty and inequality.

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Quick Facts
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Language: English
Page count: 258 páginas.


The region's economic performance has been influenced by external factors such as global trade dynamics and financial flows. South America's growth has been tied to commodity prices, while Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean have been more aligned with US economic trends. The slowdown has impacted investment, job quality, and unemployment rates.

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Key Insights

The region's economies have experienced a significant slowdown since 2012, with South America hit hardest due to its reliance on commodities. Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean fared better, thanks to stronger ties with the US economy. Investment and quality job creation have suffered, leading to increased unemployment and concerns about the sustainability of recent social gains.

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Last modified: 2024/07/30 16:51 by elizabethherfel