The United States and Future Bosnias

The report discusses the complexities of U.S. policy towards the Bosnian conflict and the challenges of intracommunal violence in Eastern Europe. It argues for a consistent policy of nonintervention and encourages European responsibility for regional security.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: CATO Institute
Authors: Jonathan Clarke
Geographic focus: Eastern Europe


The research method used in the report involves analyzing past and current conflicts in Eastern Europe, examining U.S. foreign policy responses, and projecting potential future scenarios based on historical trends and geopolitical dynamics.

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Key Insights

The report delves into the intricacies of U.S. foreign policy towards Bosnia and other potential conflict areas in Eastern Europe. It highlights the challenges of distinguishing right from wrong in intracommunal conflicts and advocates for a policy of nonintervention and European security responsibility.

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Last modified: 2024/07/18 21:13 by elizabethherfel