Three Educational Scenarios for the Future: lessons from the sociology of knowledge

This report examines potential educational futures through the lens of sociology of knowledge, analyzing current trends and their implications for schooling.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

blackwell publishing ltd.
European Journal Of Education

Authors: Johan Muller, Michael Young
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method involves a theoretical analysis of educational trends and policies, informed by the sociology of knowledge, to project three possible future scenarios for education.

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Key Insights

The report explores three educational scenarios for the future, drawing from sociology of knowledge to critique current educational policies and practices. It argues against the notion that schools should merely adapt to societal changes without considering the conservative nature of educational institutions and the transmission of knowledge. The authors propose a social realist approach, emphasizing the importance of disciplinary knowledge and the role of educational institutions in its transmission. They critique both the traditional elite education system (Future 1) and progressive pedagogies that downplay content and expertise (Future 2), advocating for a balanced approach (Future 3) that recognizes the differentiated nature of knowledge and the need for strong disciplinary boundaries.

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Last modified: 2024/06/19 17:09 by elizabethherfel