Tomorrow's Tourist: Fluid and Simple Identities

This paper examines the evolving identities of future tourists, focusing on the fluid and simple identities shaped by economic conditions.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Journal Of Globalization Studies

Authors: Ian Yeoman
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved analyzing trends, behaviors, and values related to tourism, as well as examining the impact of economic cycles on tourist identities and consumption patterns.

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Key Insights

The report explores how global tourism is influenced by rising wealth and the emergence of fluid identities, where tourists seek new experiences without boundaries. Conversely, in times of economic decline, a simpler identity emerges, with tourists seeking thriftiness and simplicity. The research delves into the behaviors, values, and trends of future tourists, considering the impact of economic cycles on tourism consumption patterns. It discusses the implications of fluid and simple identities for tourist destinations, marketing, and the broader tourism industry, highlighting the importance of understanding these evolving identities to cater to future tourists' desires effectively.

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Last modified: 2024/06/20 14:52 by elizabethherfel