Tourism 2023

This report, “Tourism 2023,” is a comprehensive study by Forum for the Future, focusing on sustainable tourism and travel. It presents four scenarios exploring potential futures for the UK outbound travel and tourism industry, considering factors like climate change, resource scarcity, and technological advancements. The report also outlines a shared vision and strategic approach for a sustainable industry by 2023, emphasizing environmental protection, employee development, customer sustainability, community benefits, infrastructure innovation, and business value integration.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Forum for the Future
Authors: Alex Johnson, David Mason, James Goodman, Louise Armstrong, Richard Hardyment, Tess Riley, Vicky Murray, Stephanie Draper
Geographic focus: Global


The research method used in the “Tourism 2023” report involved extensive consultation with over 100 industry experts, including academics, business leaders, campaigners, legislators, and commentators. The process included desk research, expert interviews, and a series of four industry workshops, guided by the Tourism 2023 Advisory Board and Steering Committee. This collaborative approach helped develop the scenarios, vision, and strategic approach for a sustainable UK outbound travel and tourism industry by 2023.

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Key Insights

The “Tourism 2023” report by Forum for the Future examines the future of sustainable tourism and travel, presenting four scenarios: “Boom and Burst,” “Divided Disquiet,” “Price and Privilege,” and “Carbon Clampdown.” These scenarios consider various factors, including economic growth, climate change, resource constraints, and technological developments. The report also introduces a vision for a sustainable UK outbound travel and tourism industry by 2023, focusing on six principles: environmental protection, employee development, customer sustainability, community benefits, infrastructure innovation, and business value integration. The report suggests strategic approaches for achieving this vision, including collaborative action in sustainable destinations, low-carbon innovation, and driving customer demand for sustainable tourism.

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Last modified: 2024/06/20 14:55 by elizabethherfel