Tourism in the Mediterranean: Scenarios up to 2030

This report examines the growth and potential of the tourism sector in the Southern Mediterranean (MED 11) countries up to 2030, considering various scenarios influenced by factors such as security, climate change, and regional cooperation.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

medpro (mediterranean prospects)

Authors: Robert Lanquar
Geographic focus: Mediterranean, Med 11 Countries, Global


The research method involved analyzing historical tourism data, considering economic and demographic trends, and developing four scenarios to project future tourism growth in the MED 11 countries. The scenarios were created using a matrix of visitor demand and considering factors like GDP, population growth, and policy environment.

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Key Insights

The MED 11 countries have experienced high tourism growth rates, which were only briefly interrupted by the Arab Spring. This paper explores whether this trend will continue to 2030, presenting four scenarios: reference, common sustainable development, polarised development, and failed development. Each scenario considers the impact of security and climate change on tourism, with all predicting an increase in both international and domestic tourism arrivals.

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Last modified: 2024/06/20 15:02 by elizabethherfel