Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an Academic Revolution

This report examines the significant changes in higher education over the past decade, focusing on the challenges and opportunities presented by larger and more diverse student populations, the shift towards professional education, the impact of privatization, financial constraints, and the increasing importance of internationalization. It explores how these trends have influenced teaching, learning, and assessment in universities worldwide.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

UNESCO 2009 World Conference On Higher Education

Authors: Laura E. Rumbley., Liz Reisberg, Phillip.g,altbach
Geographic focus: Global


The report discusses the impact of demographic changes, diversification of the student body, transformation of higher education institutions and systems, rising demands for relevance, increased calls for cost sharing, and the effects of globalization and internationalization on teaching, learning, and assessment. It highlights the challenges and opportunities these trends present for students and higher education providers.

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Key Insights

The last decade has seen profound changes in higher education, driven by demographic shifts, diversification of the student body, transformation of institutions, demands for relevance, cost-sharing, and globalization. These factors have affected teaching and learning, with a move towards more practical and professionally-oriented programs, flexible learning formats, and an emphasis on skills for complex environments. The rise of private higher education and the privatization of public institutions have also played a significant role.

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Last modified: 2024/06/20 15:41 by elizabethherfel