U.S. Nuclear Modernization Urgently Needed to Advance Capabilities

The report discusses the urgency of US nuclear modernization.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: MITRE Corporation
Publication date: August 1, 2021
Authors: Aishia Caryn Freeman
Geographic focus: United States
Page count: 4


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Key Insights

The report from MITRE addresses the critical need for the United States to modernize its nuclear capabilities. It outlines the current state of US nuclear forces, the challenges they face, and the potential consequences of failing to invest in updates and advancements. The document emphasizes the strategic importance of nuclear deterrence and the risks associated with outdated technology and infrastructure. It likely advocates for increased funding, policy support, and research to ensure that the US nuclear arsenal remains safe, secure, and effective in the face of evolving global threats.

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Last modified: 2024/03/25 18:24 by elizabethherfel