What Scenarios for farming and food systems in the world in 2050?

The report explores future scenarios for global farming and food systems by 2050, focusing on sustainable development and ecological intensification.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

cta (technical centre for agricultural and rural cooperation)

Authors: Bruno Dorin
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: Global, Sub-saharan Africa, Middle East & North Africa, Asia, Latin America


The research method involved a collective analysis using a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach. A working group of 15 researchers and experts analyzed existing scenarios, developed the “Agrimonde 1” scenario, and conducted sensitivity tests. The process included examining past trends, making assumptions, and projecting results for quantitative parameters such as food consumption, cultivated land, and yields.

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Key Insights

The research report presents “Agrimonde 1,” a scenario for the future of farming and food systems in 2050. It aims to generate discussion on potential futures at global and regional scales, considering the consequences of various science and technology scenarios for agriculture and food. The report emphasizes the need for a major shift in food consumption trends to achieve sustainability and addresses the necessity of food exchanges between regions. It also discusses the implications of animal products, biofuels, and the challenge of ecological intensification, highlighting the need for innovation in agricultural practices. The scenario suggests that it is possible to feed the world sustainably by 2050, but this requires significant changes in current trends and a focus on regional autonomy, technological accessibility for small farmers, and the mobilization of both local and scientific knowledge.

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Last modified: 2024/06/24 17:42 by elizabethherfel