Why no peace has come, yet: The impact of gender issues on Western education and schooling

This report explores the connections between gender issues, peace, and education, and their collective impact on envisioning and creating peaceful futures.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English


Authors: Ivana Milojević
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a critical analysis of historical and contemporary feminist and peace movements, their impact on education, and the examination of various future scenarios for achieving peace. The author also reflects on the current state of education in relation to gender and peace issues, drawing on her experiences and observations as an educator and researcher.

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Key Insights

The report by Ivana Milojević examines the interplay between gender, peace education, and worldviews, and how these elements influence Western education and schooling. It discusses the historical and ongoing efforts of feminist and peace movements to reshape education and society towards gender equality and peace. The report critiques the patriarchal nature of education and society, and the resistance to change, including the backlash from conservative and traditionalist perspectives. It presents three archetypal future scenarios: a return to traditional values, embracing globalization and technology, and radical transformation towards social justice and peace. The author advocates for the latter, emphasizing the need for education that fosters critical thinking, diversity, and positive, holistic peace.

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Last modified: 2024/06/24 17:46 by elizabethherfel