World and European Energy and Environment Transition Outlook

This research explores the dynamics of energy service needs and the transition to a post-carbon society by 2100, focusing on demographic changes, human capital, lifestyles, and technological, economic, and social options.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Commission
Page count: 160 pages


The research method involves identifying “anticipatory experiences” of energy transition, analyzing technological and political societal processes, and assessing the potential and constraints of renewable energy sources. It also includes examining land-use issues and the social fabric of the energy transition.

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Key Insights

The report examines the need for energy services driven by demographic influences, behavior, and time use. It assesses the potential of renewable energy sources, land-use issues, and the impact of urbanization on energy transition. It also analyzes the role of technology and social factors in the shift towards sustainable energy systems.

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Last modified: 2024/05/06 20:58 by elizabethherfel