World cities report 2022 : envisaging the future of cities

The report discusses the future of cities, emphasizing the need for resilience and sustainable urbanization in response to challenges like COVID-19, inequality, and climate change.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: UN-HABITAT
Publication date: 2022
Geographic focus: Global
Time horizon: 2050


The research method involved analyzing urbanization trends using a new harmonized definition of urbanization, known as the Degree of Urbanization, which allows for international comparisons and captures the urban-rural continuum.

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Key Insights

The World Cities Report 2022 outlines the future of urban areas, highlighting the importance of resilience and sustainability in urban planning. It emphasizes that urbanization is a key global trend, projected to increase from 56% in 2021 to 68% by 2050, with significant growth in cities, particularly in Africa and Asia. The report identifies three potential scenarios for urban futures: a high damage scenario characterized by increased poverty and inequality; a pessimistic scenario reflecting a return to pre-pandemic norms that perpetuate systemic discrimination; and an optimistic scenario that envisions collaborative efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. The report stresses the need for transformative policies to address urban challenges, including poverty, inequality, and climate change, and calls for a new social contract that ensures universal basic income, health coverage, and housing. It advocates for integrated urban planning and governance to foster inclusive, resilient, and sustainable cities.

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Last modified: 2024/09/13 05:22 by davidpjonker