World employment and social outlook : trends 2019

The report analyzes global labor market trends, highlighting challenges such as unemployment, informality, and working poverty, while assessing progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 8 for inclusive economic growth and decent work for all by 2030.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: International Labour Organization
Publication date: 2019
Authors: Damian Grimshaw, Ekkehard Ernst, Erika Chaparro, Lisa Feist, Santo Milasi, Stefan Kühn
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved collecting and analyzing global labor market data from 189 countries, focusing on indicators such as employment rates, unemployment rates, labor force participation, and working poverty. The data was disaggregated by sex and age to assess disparities and trends.

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Key Insights

The World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2019 report provides a comprehensive analysis of labor market trends and challenges faced globally. It highlights the persistent issues of unemployment, underemployment, and working poverty, emphasizing that despite some improvements, many workers still face poor job quality. The report reveals that in 2018, approximately 172 million people were unemployed, and a significant portion of the workforce was engaged in informal employment, lacking social protection. The gender gap in labor force participation remains a critical issue, with women participating at a rate of 48% compared to 75% for men. The report also examines regional disparities, noting that labor market challenges vary significantly across different countries and regions. Progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 8, which aims for inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent work for all, has been slower than anticipated. The report underscores the need for targeted policy interventions to address these challenges and improve labor market conditions, particularly for vulnerable groups such as women and youth.

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Last modified: 2024/09/13 16:48 by davidpjonker